Email list and broadcast channels

Email list and broadcast channels

Social media is making it very difficult for creators to share information, images or videos since they work with algorithms that filter almost every post, so what you really see on your feeds isn't everything people are posting. That's why I decided to create two lists for you to subscribe to in order to keep yourself updated about the stuff that goes on in my website.

I publish stuff weekly on my social media profiles, but if you aren't connected at the moment I publish, possibly you will miss my posts. By subscribing to any of my lists you will be able to get the information I publish about my workshops, courses, products on my store and discount coupons, among other things.

WhatsApp channel

To join the WhatsApp channel click here. You can leave the channel at any moment.

Instagram channel

To join the Instagram channel click here. You can leave the channel at any moment.

Telegram channel

To join the Telegram channel click here. You can unsubscribe by leaving the channel, it is as simple as that.

Mailing list

This other option is a more traditional one since you will get new information via email. To subscribe enter your email address below and follow the instructions you see on the screen to confirm your subscription:


    You can unsubscribe from the mailing list by clicking on the link on every email I send that is located at the bottom of the email.

    RSS feed

    If you are from the pre social media time you might remember RSS. You can use this website's RSS to get my latest posts on your favorite feed reader:
